Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gmail Chat

Wednesday around noon:
Pedro: seriuosly
and i feel like garbage
me: did you do anything last night?
Pedro: yes actually, it was a friend of a friend of a friends birthday. went out for one drink. ended up having 8, plus four shots, plus the birthday boy in my bed this morning

~ This is one of my friends. You will be introduced to the cast of characters as I have something interesting to share about each. Pedro is a female, lives in my part of town and as we recently discovered actually went to 2nd grade together! (We obviously did not keep in touch but rather met randomly almost 20 years later and discovered that connection.)

1 comment:

Melina said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. No, we don't have a walmart but there is one about 25 mins away and I think that's as close as it's going to come (thank god). anyways, good luck with the blog!!! It's always exciting to see someone new out here.